Tuesday, May 4, 2010


so -my first post. exciting. this blog is my sisters, but me being the younger sis who is unable to let her have her things to herself, asked if I could do some posts to. she, being the older sis who is always kind enough to let me have my way, agreed to this.

right, down to business. and today that's cookies. or rather nonpareil. now I know that there is a cookie that already have this name but MY nonpareil are based on a swedish cookie roughly translated as exceptionals, but since I found that name boring and my cookies where even more exceptional they're called nonpareils. end of story. (although im still going to call them makalösare when im speaking swedish just because.) sorry, am rambling.
makes 30.
100g softened butter
3/4 dl sugar
1 dl flour
3/4 dl rolled oat (funny word. oat.)
1 teaspoon baking soda

50 g (about 1/2 dl) raisins50 g dark chocolate
1/2 dl sunflower seed (not roasted. that's not the word, but do you know what i mean? like "raw" sunflower seeds...)

preheat oven to 175 degrees celsius.
blend the butter (or margarine) with the sugar. chop the raisins, chocolate and the seeds coarsly and mix it with the flour, oat and baking soda. add this to the butter and sugar. to mix everything together i used the doughhooks for my mixer. now, when it's turned in to a dough make a doughroll on a floured surface and divide it into thirty bits. roll these into balls and place on a bakingsheet with parchmentpaper on. flatten the balls and in to the oven they go!
bake for about 8 minutes. then. eat.

now just to make a few things clear. when I bake, especially chocolat chip cookies I tend to make a dough, usually a shortbread dough and then just mix in whatever i feel like/have on my shelves. so I add the amount I think is enough/looks good. so when I'm writing this recepie I can't really remember how much of the "filling" I added. so if it looks like to little chocolat- add more, to much sunflower seed- don't add all. although i must say the sunflowerseeds and oat makes this cookie tender yet chewie. and VERY tasty. also try switching the amount of flour with the amount of oat. (ok, so I can't remember which amount was used for what. so sue me.)

wow. if you've read everything I commend you. you really deserve a cookie.

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